Friday, October 22, 2010

FELIX SILVER: Felix Silver - The Son of Africa

FELIX SILVER: Felix Silver - The Son of Africa: "Felix Silver Mrisho is Agricultural Economist by profession. He is currently a tutor at Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperati..."


We stand at the threshold of the 21st Century, a century characterized by advancement in technology and stiff competition in Job Market and other areas of the economy.
It is therefore evident that all institutes have to make sure that they offer skills that will assist their graduates to compete in this globalized and globalizing world otherwise they will not survive.
Recognizing this fact, MATI Ilonga is going to undertake Occupational Gap Analysis to understand what is needed in the job market. Join us to accomplish this endeavor.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Felix Silver - The Son of Africa

Felix Silver Mrisho is Agricultural Economist by profession. He is currently a tutor at Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Training Institute - Ilonga (MATI Ilonga) teaching Farm Economics, Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Application of ICT in Data Analysis